
There’s A Miracle In The Making

It was April 3, 1977, I was the little baby girl my Mama and Daddy had always wanted. I was their second child. My brother, Stephen, was five years old at that time. It was a joyous time for my family, but their joy was soon turned into sadness. As they watched the doctor and nurse with their baby, they knew something was wrong. I was in respiratory distress. An ambulance rushed me to a nearby hospital with a neonatal intensive care unit.

They began running tests immediately, to see what was wrong with me. Soon days became weeks, and weeks became months, before long I had been in the intensive care unit for four long months. I was diagnosed as having Werdnig-Hoffman’s disease, a form of Muscular Dystrophy.

The doctors’ prognosis for me wasn’t good. They told my parents that I probably wouldn’t live long enough for them to take me home. I had so many problems, and there wasn’t anything else they could do. I couldn’t eat by mouth, because I was unable to swallow without aspirating. So I was fed by tubes. I was mostly paralyzed all over, had very fragile bones, and was so near death that when I cried, there was no sound, just tears running down my cheeks.

I guess I can see why the doctors tried to discourage my parents from taking me home. But I’m glad they saw past all my physical problems, and realized that I’d be much better off at home with them. The doctors tried to explain that it would be in the best interest of everyone to have me put away in some type of home, until I died. My parents would have no part of that. They stayed late hours at the hospital every night learning the special skills they’d need to take care of me. Thank you God for such wonderful parents. Thank you for giving me to someone with so much love and patience.

God has been so good to me. He’s turned my disability into so many possibilities. Even though, I still have Muscular Dystrophy, and yes I’m still in my wheelchair, and cannot use my arms, but God has given me the strength to be able to share my testimony with audiences all across the United States, letting people know that just because you have a handicap, that doesn’t mean you can’t do anything for the Lord. He can use you to encourage others, to make it through another day. That’s what my ministry is all about. It’s telling others that no matter what circumstances you may find yourself in, with the help of the Lord, you can make it. God has opened so many doors for me, and through my testimony and songs I have been able to share His love and mercy in my life. He took a life that medical science had given up on, used this broken vessel, gave me a purpose for my life. I thank Him and my wonderful, courageous family from the depths of my heart for not giving up on me, and for making so many of my dreams come true.

There is one more miracle that God has performed in my life that I would love to share with all of you. Ever since I was born I had never been able to eat with my mouth. I had to be fed by a stomach tube in my side, but in 2008 God performed in my opinion one of the greatest miracles I could have ever imagined. For the first time in my life, I am able to eat with my mouth now. I no longer have the stomach tube anymore. All the doctors did was remove my stomach tube from my side. God did the rest & I am happier now than ever before!!!

I make the most of my life each day, because I don’t know what the future holds for me, but as long as I’m here on this earth, I want to continue singing and giving my testimony so that it might encourage and give hope to others. And also, that they might see that God has a purpose for their life, if they could just look beyond their circumstances and see Jesus. My mission is to be an encouragement to others. Thank you so much for visiting my website & I love each & every one of you with all my heart & soul.

May God Bless You, Stephanie